3 Functional + Strength-Forward Workout Studios

The Switch Room. This is a circuit training workout studio with unique machines like the tank and tire flippers, shown here.


The Sculpt Workout Studio with Xformer machines for a pilates-style strength workout with tension


The Spar workout studio with Skillmill Treadmills and Aqua Boxing Bags


Noble Method’s fitness classes deliver 30-minute workouts that are physically challenging + mentally stimulating to meet your ever-changing needs. 

One of the most common workout deterrents is time. At Noble Method, we offer 30-minute fitness classes designed for maximum efficiency. We’ve carefully designed our programs + chosen equipment that’s constructed to work for you by working against you, so not a minute of your workout is wasted. Classes are offered simultaneously. If time is on your side, there is the option to “stack”, taking 2 classes back to back with a 10 minute break between.

Two clients workout on SkiErg machines while another uses a Versa Climber in Switch.

Why 30-Minutes?

Every fitness class promises maximum muscle activation, an increased metabolic rate + results in the least amount of time because we believe it’s not about the time you put in but what you put into the time. Our Method is carefully designed to challenge you + waste no time while giving you a badass burn quickly. Who can say they do not have 30 minutes to dedicate to themself?

If you find yourself craving more than 30 minutes, we’ve designed for that, too. Try a stack. With only 10 minutes between classes, you can take classes back to back in any combination you choose.

JOIN US to get the most out of every minute of every workout.

Woman pushes an M3 Torque Tank in Switch class.