Noble Method Fitness Studio Logo in White



A group of people participate in wall sits with medicine balls in Switch


Every aspect of Noble Method, from our 30-minute stackable fitness classes to the equipment + amenities, is designed to ensure you maximize your time. Our 12,000 sq ft. space includes a full-service, organic coffee shop, a dedicated activate + recovery area for dynamic warmup + cool down with power plates, modern facilities with showers, lockers, + complimentary toiletries, all under one roof.

We offer three unique strength-based studios—SWITCH, SPAR, + SCULPT—that prioritize physical + mental longevity.

No Excuses. No Bull. That’s Noble Method.


Noble Method’s fitness classes focus on functional strength — working with the body’s mechanics to reduce injury + support everyday movement. Dedicated, highly-trained instructors harness the group’s energy while maintaining a personal training approach to deliver effective + challenging workouts.


Instructor leads a client through a Pilates-style strength workout on a Xformer machine

Sculpt challenges muscle endurance using spring-based tension on the Xformer machine. Sculpt incorporates strength, balance, cardio, flexibility + constant core engagement to work your muscles close to failure. Quick transitions between moves keep the heart rate + intensity high without adding stress to the joints and spine. Maximizing time under tension, this isn’t your average Pilates class. This class is vital to elevating your performance in our other rooms + outside our walls.

Grip socks are required for Sculpt. Pairs are available for purchase at the front desk.


A man uses a Marpo Functional Tire Trainer in a circuit style workout class

Switch is a functional circuit training class unlike any other. Switch uses some of the industry’s most innovative equipment, machines that work for you by working against you, to foster an optimal strength training environment — one tailored to challenge your strength level + create constant muscle engagement. Never the same, this jam-packed 30-minute class targets strength, power, endurance + cardiovascular fitness.

Towels are required for Switch. Available for purchase or rental at the front desk.


Spar alternates between intervals on the Skillmill treadmill + boxing on Aqua Punching Bags for an intense fusion of speed, endurance, agility + power. Not a runner? Not a problem. Expect heavy resistance sled pushes, steep backpedals, + powerful uppercut combos to build strength, gain endurance + knockout stress.

Boxing gloves are required for Spar. Gloves + towels are available for purchase or rental at the front desk.

Private Group + Individual Classes

We offer both Private Group Classes + 1:1 Classes

Email to book


1025 Dublin Road #101
Columbus, Ohio 43215